Fried Beer ?

Fried beer – just what we were all waiting for. Oh, but you have to be 21 and over to try it though. It is being showcased at the Texas state fair on Sept. 26th, and will be served at two concession stands – at the East end of the Centennial building and inside the food court in the Tower Building.

The maker, Mark Zable, said on the official website it took three years and a patent pending process to deep fry the beer-filled salty pretzel-like ravioli dough. For more info visit The same maker of the fried beer creation created the Chocolate Covered Strawberry Waffle Balls in 2008 and Sweet Jalapeno Corn Dog Shrimp in 2009. They note on their website that if you are interested in purchasing Fried Beer for your restaurant or bar, use their contact page for more info.